Tuesday, June 14, 2011

"Post Mortem Laments" Lament

I am forced to disagree with the lamentation below.  We did not harm Lenny and Squiggy by hiring professional butchers to kill and slaughter them (if you don't count killing them as harm . . .) -- quite the opposite.  Their deaths were instantaneous and so far as is discernible to the human senses they felt no fear, no pain and no stress.  They did not squeal; they were not hauled offsite to be slaughtered some other place.

If we would have tried to kill and butcher them, we could easily have missed the mark and the deaths may not have been as quick.  As for the butchering, I'm pretty sure that if Lenny and Squiggy had a voice they would have been worried about how death comes knocking and not so worried about whether the funeral is open casket or cremation.  Plus we didn't have to buy all the stuff that you need to butcher an animal.  All in all, I think a very successful first attempt at pig raising.

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