Will any son of Adam or daughter of Eve please kill the White Witch already? We are almost into June and we have had only one day over 70 degrees. Yesterday, we spied a formation of geese who I am sure were headed south for the winter. Our garden is looking pretty sorry notwithstanding the pig manure, weekend spent rototiller and the futile efforts to start seedlings in our basement beginning in February.
The lettuce that we sowed directly into the ground appear to be a bonsai variety. Will we be able to develop a niche market of miniature and stunted vegetables? If you like baby vegetables, you'll love our line of The Emperor's New Vegetables.
Lame lettuce over two months old |
Our pasture appears to be doing well. Our three lambs, Lovey, Ginger and Gary, are enjoying the spring grass but it alone is too rich for them. They have had serious diarrhea which we cured by feeding them alfalfa. At $15 a bale, raising sheep has not turned out as inexpensive as we had hoped. The sheep were supposed to eat our grass so we did not have to mow it. Turns out, the sheep are only interested in certain sections of the pasture. The pasture looks uneven with patches of flowering grass in some spots and other areas that are closely cropped. If the sheep do not do a better job of subsisting solely on grass and grounds keeping, we will be forced to eat them in the fall.
All lambs surveyed preferred to eat store bought alfalfa over free grass. |
Freeloaders |
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